Educator Practitioner Speaker       

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Kelley Johnson, Ph.D. is an extraordinary sex educator!

Kelley Johnson, Ph.D. is described as…

Funny * Professional * Graceful * Non-Judgmental * Passionate * Straight-Forward * Tasteful * Empowering * Terrific



I use humor and exude ease when I consult with clients which brings comfort to them when discussing sensitive and complex sexual topics.

I am driven by a passion to advocate for a sex-positive and sexually-just society. Whether consulting with clients, presenting to a classroom of 6th graders, providing a lecture at the prestigious life-long learning center (OLLI), or training health care providers, I present sexuality in a positive light, recognizing that good sexual relationships (including with oneself) are life affirming.

“Talking about intimacy issues can be challenging and intimidating. I take every measure to create a calm and comfortable environment for us to talk in a matter-of-fact way. I work with people who would like to: experience more satisfaction in their intimate life; learn how to talk more comfortably to their partner about sexuality, sensuality, and intimacy; address a sexual problem that is causing concern in their life or relationship; receive help connecting with their partner in the bedroom; and explore ways to bring more pleasure to themselves and their partner.”

Healthy sexuality is about seeing people as sexual beings without negative judgments or stereotypes.

I work to change culture in how it views sexuality. And to change culture, awareness must be increased and behaviors must change.

  • Creating a sex-positive culture means common-sense sex education must start in early childhood and become a lifetime interest and value.

  • In a sex-positive culture, we would provide age-appropriate, comprehensive sex education.

  • A sex-positive culture would encourage sexual expression and promote personal responsibility.

  • A sex-positive culture would make sexual healthcare easily accessible and affordable.

  • A sex-positive society would show sex as something healthy, good, and loving.

  • Forced sex would not only be viewed as unacceptable and wrong, it wouldn’t even be considered as a possibility.

  • A sex-positive world would appreciate and respect our diverse physical bodies and identities, and celebrate that diversity.

Sex is good. Sex is pleasurable. Sex is a way to stay bonded to and express love for ourselves and our partner.

Good sex is an ambitiously equal exchange of pleasure, leading to more intimacy. Intimacy not only makes relationships and families stronger, it makes individuals happier and healthier.

The passion to create this type of society fuels everything that I do.

Let me bring my expertise and passion into your life.